
Our in-vitro diagnostic products

Cambridge Life Sciences provides a range of in-vitro diagnostic products. Our range centres on three main areas, therapeutic drug monitoring including our class-leading Paracetamol and salicylate assay kits, Autoimmune disease diagnosis with our Autozyme® range and H. pylori testing with our Endosc-Hp® rapid urease test.


These products are developed and manufactured in-house at our UK facility, and we have a program of continued improvement run by our research and development team.

Download U1021 IFU

Download U1021 IFU

Download K9001 IFU

Download K8100 IFU

Download K8003 IFU

Download K8002 IFU

Download Z9296 IFU

Download Z9196 IFU

Download Z4396 IFU

Download Z4696 IFU

Download Z4596 IFU

Download Z4496 IFU